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Honors Cords and Hoods / Jewelry / Medals

Use the printable order forms (following each forms instructions)
or click the Add to Cart buttons followed by the Begin Checkout button above to pay online with Paypal
(no Paypal account necessary).
Note: A $2.00 fee is automatically added to ALL PayPal orders.

Express Shipping Option: If you need any of these regalia items quickly (for an upcoming graduation, for example), you can  add express shipping to your order for $20.00! 
NOTA BENE: Express Shipping cannot be guaranteed during the summer months.
Pictured are Sheena Glass '04 and Matthew Katsenes, '04 members of the Gamma Omicron Chapter at Monmouth College. Click on photo for larger image
Eta Sigma Phi honors cords are available for purchase from the executive secretary. Cords are purple and gold with gold tassels. Cost is $15 each by mail and $12 each if purchased at the national convention.

Honors hoods are also available. The hoods are gold with purple owl emblems. Cost is $20 each by mail and $17 each if purchased at the national convention.

Please order at least three weeks prior to the date of the  commencement ceremony. There will be an additional charge for express mail.

Click here for a printable order form for cords and hoods.


                 1       2       3    4            5          6

(from left to right and back to front)

Click on the photo for larger image.

Eta Sigma Phi Jewelry

Eta Sigma Phi jewelry is available for purchase from the executive secretary. 

Please note new price structure.
Shipping fee no longer necessary,
but a $2.00 is added to all PayPal orders.

Click here for printable order form.

Photo No. Description Style No. Price
1 Official Plain Badge, 10 k #1001 Prices available on request.
2 Official Crown Pearl Badge, 10k #3002
3 Pledge Pin, Goldgloss*
#7001 $10.00 ea.
4 Owl Keypin, Goldgloss*
#5000 $32.00
not shown Owl Keypin with Pearl Eyes, Goldgloss*
#5001 $39.00
5 Owl Key, Goldgloss*
#4001 $30.00
6 Owl Key with Pearl, Goldgloss*
#4002 $35.00

*Goldgloss is a finely polished, durable gold electroplate finish.

Discounts for orders of five or more are available. Contact toms@monm.edu for more information.

Obverse and Reverse of the large Silver Eta Sigma Phi Medal
Click on the photo for a larger image.




Brent M. Froberg, Registrar of Medals
5518 Lake Jackson St.
Waco, TX 76710-2748

March 17, 2004

Dear Latin/Greek Teacher:

Please note the address change when you send me orders for medals. If you have already sent me an order to my home in South Dakota, I shall get that order sometime past the middle of April. You may wish to let me know if you have already written to me. Eta Sigma Phi medals provide an attractive way to recognize the achievements of your students in Latin and Greek. When chapters of Eta Sigma Phi or individual schools award these medals locally, they foster good relationships and encourage students to continue their high achievement.

Eta Sigma Phi began this program of awards over sixty years ago. Over the years, we have received many cards and letters from teachers and from students who let us know how much this recognitions means to them. My best wished go to each of you for a successful end to the academic year.


Brent M. Froberg

P.S. Please use the form below  to order your medals



No. Descriptions Cost

_____ large, silver medal @$28.75 _____

_____ small, silver medal @$10.25 _____

_____ small, bronze medal @$6.50 _____

                                           postage: 1.00

                                    Grand total: _____

Please make out checks or money orders to Eta Sigma Phi and send all orders, along with this form, to: Brent M. Froberg, Eta Sigma Phi Medals, 5518 Lake Jackson St., Waco, TX 76710-2748.

For questions, contact:
Dr. Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Eta Sigma Phi Executive Secretary
Department of Classics
Monmouth College
700 East Broadway
Monmouth, Illinois 61462

Office: 309-457-2371
FAX:  815-346-2565


 This page is maintained by the Executive Secretary of Eta Sigma Phi, Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. If you have any  questions about this page, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.