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N.B.: This website is the Archives of Eta Sigma Phi and contains only historical materials. Click here to go to the main website for Eta Sigma Phi. 

Eta Sigma Phi is the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Members are elected by local chapters which have been chartered by the society. The purposes of the Society, in the words of the Constitution, are "to develop and promote interest in classical study among the students of colleges and universities; to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study, including inter-campus relationship; to engage generally in an effort to stimulate interest in classical study, and in the history, art, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome." The organizational website for Eta Sigma Phi is etasigmaphi.org.

The Archives of Eta Sigma Phi, the National Classics Honorary Society, were established at the Hewes Library of Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois, by vote of the Eta Sigma Phi Board of Trustees in 2004. The purpose of these archives is to serve as a permanent repository for back issues of the Nuntius (the newsletter of Eta Sigma Phi) and other records of the national society. Members are encouraged to donate memorabilia to the collection, which is open to scholars and to the general public by appointment. Copies of documents can be obtained by mail for a modest fee. The archives are maintained by  Dr. Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Minnie Billings Capron Professor of Classics at Monmouth College and former Executive Secretary of Eta Sigma Phi.

The streaming music you hear is "The Song for Eta Sigma Phi."
Here are the lyrics in English and Latin in case you would like to sing along:

Bearing beauty's flame
Bending our hearts to your name
Your ancient splendor we cherish now.
Youthful dreams tell us how.
Students look to your light,
A beauty ever bright.
Our loyalty we pledge to you,
Eta Sigma Phi.

Lumen qui ferimus.
Animos tibi damus.
Antiquum tuum nobis placet.
Hoc spes nostra docet.
Spectant te iuvenes.
O lumen semper des.
Fidem servabimus tibi.
Eta Sigma Phi.

The full score plus lyrics in ancient Greek are available at
Score for "The Song for Eta Sigma Phi"


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Copyright Symbol Example © 2015 Eta Sigma Phi.

 This page is maintained by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions about this page, you can contact him at tjsienkewicz@gmail.com


counter widgetpeople who have visited this site since January, 2006,
wish the world still spoke in Latin and ancient Greek.

©  2006 Eta Sigma Phi

 This page is maintained by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions about this page, you can contact him at tjsienkewicz@gmail.com